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I want great leads »

This challenge is different:

If you're a business or executive coach, over 10 days you'll fill your calendar with high-probability prospects eager to speak with you. No ads, no funnels, no webinars, no nonsense.

  • This challenge is limited to 25 business and executive coaches
  • This challenge enforces that you get results (aka great leads)
  • This challenge rewards you for both activity and results*
    * I might even end up paying YOU more $$$ than you paid me!

Highly targeted organic leads

What's the secret you'll be implementing during this 10-day Coaching Leads Challenge? I've named it Call Out Content™️ and it's the #1 best way - for FREE - to take a prospect from cold to warm to hot because you show up on their radar as immediately relevant, helpful, and generous.

Here's what that looks like:

Step 1

Callout Content™️

Optimize your social profiles - Create Callout Content™️ that speaks directly to your BEST prospects' and clients' urgent, pervasive, expensive problems or most important strategic initiatives, goals, and priorities - Use high-integrity "hand-raise" mechanisms to invite engagement from prospects who want to learn more.

Step 2

Fish where the fish are

Identify the most relevant blogs, portals, communities, and groups where your ideal target market is already gathering. Engage in conversations, answer questions, post your Callout Content™️ and use invitation-based engagement strategies to pull - not push - ideal prospects onto your call calendar for a conversation about how you can help them.

Step 3

Build your Leads Machine™️

Once you field test, refine, and perfect your Callout Content™️ and engagement strategies, it's time to calendarize and optimize the system so that you can put fresh targets on your radar daily. You'll build your perpetual marketing plan and leverage your existing organic content in different places and on different platforms. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Bonuses and Extras


Once you start booking calls, you'll want this step-by-step high-converting script that we normally only give to our $3,697 "High Fee Coaching" clients. Yours FREE with the Challenge.


Techniques, templates, and examples to trigger a surge of FB or LinkedIn Messenger conversations to get prospects primed and ready to buy.
Yours FREE with the Challenge.


Get the exact posts that have generated hundreds of sales conversations and led to millions of dollars of real coaching sales from real buyers.
Yours FREE with the Challenge.


Fill-in-the-blank templates to get your creative juices flowing quickly so that you can write an organic client-getting post in less than 10 minutes and start more sales conversations faster.
Yours FREE with the Challenge.


Is this a free challenge?

NO this is not free. It's $197. Free challenges have two problems: Only 10% of folks who register participate (FACT!) and less than 10% of those who participate complete the work or see results (FACT!!) Because we like 90% participation and 100% results, you put in money. You show up. You do the work. You get results. AND you might not only get a whole bunch of great consulting leads, you might also earn more than your $197 back in cash prizes and rewards during the Challenge!

Why limit this Challenge to 25 people?

Two words: Personalized Attention.
Four more words: Can't run. Can't hide.
This Challenge is for DOERS and results freaks only. No tourists! Click here to enroll »

What if I'm not a business or executive coach?

This Challenge is ONLY for business coaches and executive coaches who sell Business-to-Business (B2B) consulting, executive coaching, mentoring, training, speaking, facilitation, executive roundtables, masterminds, etc. It is NOT for Business-to-Consumer coaches (NO life coaches, love coaches, health coaches, college coaches, etc.) You need to be selling to a BUSINESS audience (you can sell to solopreneurs, small companies, midsize firms, or global corporations - but you must sell to a business of some kind.)

Is there a money-back guarantee?

🤓 Sort of. Here's how it works - you invest $197 in the Challenge. You implement each day. First, there are cash prizes (you know, prizes like REAL money in your PayPal account, not stuffed animals or a copy of some random dude's book.) You might even earn more in prizes than the $197 you invested! Second, when you hit certain success milestones with your results, you will also trigger a cash payout. (We might ask you for a testimonial video at that point, you Cutie Patootie!) Third - and this is extremely rare - someone signs up who is totally not a fit for the Challenge - wrong business, wrong industry, wrong personality (we adhere to a strict "No Asshole Rule") - that person is removed from the Challenge immediately and refunded. No harm, no foul.

What's the schedule for the Challenge?

This is a 10-day Challenge to give you time to implement between lessons. We start Monday April 18 and end Friday April 29. You will get 6 assignments via email on a Monday - Wednesday - Friday schedule over those two weeks. I will be available to you in the Coaching Leads Challenge Facebook group. And throughout our time together, you'll get Livestream bonus trainings, Laser Coaching, Action Labs, Hotseats, and Mini-Masterminds. These will be announced before the Challenge starts so that you can mark your calendar. Everything will be recorded so while your real-time participation in executing the assignments is CRITICAL, you can dip in and out of the bonus meetings as your schedule permits.

Don't miss out.
Once the 25 seats are filled, it's OVER!